digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

PUBLIC Noor Pujiati.,S.Sos

Botanical illustration is a very specific field where science and art intertwine. During the XVII century, explorers came to Indonesia to register the archipelago’s natural resources. This is when western art techniques and styles slowly started to be introduced in Indonesia. Botanical illustration is still made in academic and artistic environments, in this research we analyze the current environment of botanical illustration and botanical art in Indonesia. As a case study, the illustrations of Dr. Ichsan Suwandhi, were analyzed. He is a lecturer from ITB who has been recognized internationally by his botanical illustrations. Through interviews and literature review, the original hypothesis was tested: The artwork of Dr. Ichsan Suwandhi has both an aesthetic value and scientific functional value. The function of botanical illustrations in Indonesia has changed through time but it’s still a necessity. The artwork of Dr. Ichsan Suwandhi was analyzed through Feldman’s theory of art criticism. Suwandhi’s style is categorized as objective accuracy. His art production fulfills both aesthetic experiences and a scientific purpose. Although his style is realistic, there are characteristics that make his illustrations different to those from the European explorers that initially brought this technique to Indonesia