Terbatas Suharsiyah
Terbatas Suharsiyah
Most countries in the world rely on natural gas as an energy source that can support people's livelihoods. Indonesia itself has been using natural gas since the 1960s and Indonesian gas companies have been developing since then. In 2015, Indonesia was included in the top 10 natural gas producers in the world. With the huge natural gas reserves, the utilization of natural gas reserves in Indonesia must be used as much as possible. With the increasing demand for natural gas in Indonesia, it must be accompanied by increasing domestic gas production as well.
This study discussed the T field, which currently had 5 wells, namely T-1, T-2, T-3, T-4, and T-5. These five wells are gas wells from a dry gas reservoir that have been in production since January 2017. These wells are planned to be produced to meet demand. This well is produced from one layer, namely P.
The author made a forecast of gas production in the T field until 2035 so that it was expected to knew the cumulative gas production that can be produced and the Recovery Factor value from this field. This process strated from the calculation of Initial Gas In Place using the P over Z method and history matching used the material balance equation, then using the MBAL software the cumulative gas production results and the recovery factor value were obtained. Additional parameters analyzed were to identify the effect of different aquifer models and the effect of installing compressors on surface facility on the production of this T field.