Terbatas Suharsiyah
Terbatas Suharsiyah
Most of the giant mature oilfields in Indonesia were experiencing a depletion in oil production because of the inefficiency in field development since large number of wells should be evaluated. Meanwhile, the demand for it is steadily increasing by 3% each year since 2010. This problem brings us to adopted and developed fast screening method to demonstrate subsurface potential production enhancement by evaluating well’s performance compared to other wells using Heterogeneity Index (HI) Analysis. The method provided an integrated and structured process to evaluate wells performance by considering wells X-Y coordinates using K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm. In addition, the opportunities of production optimization with rig-less interventions was also identified.
This study is conducted to evaluate and select the “Top Potential” Wells Candidate to be further optimized, determine potential well intervention/perforation to approximately 70 wells in “F” Field, Indonesia. Additionally, K-Nearest Neighbors as one of the underlying mechanisms will be modeled by X-Y maps coordinate variable to further determine the optimum of HI implementation. The processes are started by HI Oil and Water production history rate in a certain period of time. Low and high performer wells obtained would be cross validated each other using KNN method with wells X-Y coordinate. Produced HI actual and KNN prediction further to be compared and analyzed. Furthermore, the change in HI wells’ performance for each time steps would be analyzed to obtain production enhancement/well interventions recommendation for the “F” Field development. Reservoir model data would be considered as an input to optimize this whole fast screening processes and utilized to validate HI method based on the change in wells performance by checking on well intervention/stimulation that have been made during the performance change.
The results of this study concluded that the implementation of adopted and developed HI screening method in this field was obtained 2 high priority, 3 medium priority, and 5 low priority wells candidate to be further analyzed and optimized with list of potential well interventions to enhance the production based on screening processes that will be explained in the results and discussion section. This study still can be improved by analyze the detail completion/well intervention/stimulation efficiency using modified Heterogeneity Index (MHI), detailed well analysis, considering economic calculation, and further production optimization cycle. However, the author is highly recommended to be implemented this adopted and developed HI method to well candidate fast screening not only in “F” field, but also in other giant oilfields with higher wells number and complexity.