digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas Suharsiyah

Sand production is a common problem in oil and gas fields based on sandstone reservoirs. This problem can cause negative impacts on oil and gas production operations such as erosion. Erosion can cause damage to the facility which consequently can harm personnel on duty. Sand Consolidation (SCON) is one of the popular methods to avoid this problem. SCON works on the principle of adding chemical resin to the target formation to increase its strength. Resins used for SCON are furan, phenolic, and epoxy resin. Furan resin is a water-based resin that has the same strength as epoxy resin but with a relatively cheaper cost than epoxy resin. This study compares the performance of furan resin SCON application in Mahakam block with epoxy-resin SCON that has become a robust technology in Mahakam block. The parameters analyzed in this study are lab measurement and field measurements such as successful cleanup, sand surface indication, increasing Top of Sediment (TOS), and the lifetime before the resin breaks.