2022 TA PP SYARAH 1.pdf
Terbatas Suharsiyah
Terbatas Suharsiyah
The high emission of CO2 has become a critical environmental issue during the last few decades. The
emergence of the latest technology, such as CCS (carbon capture and storage), is considered capable of dealing
with these problems. CCS is a technology where the CO2 will be captured and stored for an extended period in a
selected reservoir. The selection of CO2 storage has several considerations that must be taken into account, such
as the capacity of CO2 storage. A depleted gas reservoir is one of the suitable types of reservoir for storing CO2.
However, this kind of reservoir can trigger subsidence.
This study will be devoted to estimating the CO2 storage capacity in a subsidence-depleted gas reservoir. The
calculation of the CO2 storage is carried out by using the p/z method from the material balance equation (MBE).
The calculation used two approaches, which are the estimation of CO2 storage capacity by derived MBE (Tseng
et al., 2012) and commercial software (IPM-MBAL). The results of the CO2 storage estimation by derived MBE
from Tseng et al. (2012) is 0.021 Gt, and IPM-MBAL software is 0.014 Gt with the initial gas in place (IGIP)
225 BSCF.