Terbatas Suharsiyah
Terbatas Suharsiyah
Sand production is the phenomenon of sand particles carried by the production fluid to the surface. For many oil
fields, sand production is a serious concern especially those with weakly consolidated reservoirs, sand production
is a severe concern. This may lead to unfavorable consequences such as loss of well due to sand fill-up, restricted
production, reduction of well productivity, detrimental damage, and/or excessive maintenance to both downhole
and surface equipment, all of which could result in production loss, increased expenses, and safety issues.
The S Block is an onshore field with four fields and production of about 35 MMSCFD of gas and 9,000 BPD oil
from more than 670 wells. The majority of hydrocarbon accumulations are found in a sequence of upper-delta and
delta-plain sandstone reservoirs from the Mid-Miocene. This field has more than 4500 unique reservoirs with
varying permeability that have a range from less than 1 mD to more than 1,500 mD and depth of productive layers
starting from 1,000 ft to 14,000 ft. Sandy well production contributes 25% - 30% of this block oil production.
Before being treated by Chemical Sand Consolidation, a lot of sandy wells produced far below their potential rate.
By using XX 225, the compressive strength improvement from Chemical Sand Consolidation was generally
reported as Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) during laboratory core flow testing. The minimum
requirement for UCS and retaining permeability after the treatment is 1000 psi and 80% for a sand-free operation.
The results of the application of this treatment achieved success both in terms of engineering and economics. And
also, Chemical Sand Consolidation treatment will be ready to look for other candidate wells as an effort to
overcome sand production in this field.