digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

ABSTRAK Nawra Syahiramarsa Widodo
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has drawn the attention of many manufacturing industries. Many has implement this concept by adopting Cyber-Physical System (CPS) principles, a key element of Industry 4.0, in its manufacturing processes. The heightened intelligence of production elements enhances its decision making ability and information management. Quality control process of a manufactured product requires fast and precise decision making, therefore, adopting the principles of CPS would be highly beneficial for this process. In this final project, a web application was designed to facilitate the development of a CPS based train carriage weighing test. The application was designed to display inspection results and conclusion by formulating information obtained from the weighing test, which would limit the drawbacks of a conventional inspection as number of errors and time required for the process is reduced. The system of the application designed was tested on various inspection conditions in reference to the document issued for the weighing test of a Kereta Rel Listrik (KRL) train carriage. Based on the test, the web application was able to fulfil the design requirements of each in-app user roles by providing conclusions regarding the results of the weighing test.