digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Mining hydrogeological problems relate usually to groundwater (GW) occurrences, among them, GW inflow into mining front. If the mining front is hydraulically connected through ore body with surface water or source bed at the ground surface, the GW inflow solution by means of pumping only may not be effective and not be economic. It should be addressed using system approach, which is more integrative, comprehensive and holistic in term of the whole mining processes. A few alternative solutions can be evaluated systematically using optimization tool in term of mining operation research. Moreover, if an optimal solution among the alternative solutions is practically not found then the solution of mining hydrogeological problem based on system approach can be performed according to the trade-off model, in which expectation to exploit of as much as possible ore body (what is needed) implemented in the mine design will be compromised in order to aim an optimal benefit against existing constraints (what is available) mainly in term of hydrogeological condition. The paper was devoted to elaborate briefly the concept of solution of mining hydrogeological problems in the frame of system approach.