Nowadays, plasma simulation is one of the most developing physics and
engineering disciplines. The growth is due to the increasing demand for low
Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites and further space exploration using small satellites.
These satellites use the electric propulsion system, one of the plasma
applications, because of its high efficiency and light weight. This thesis aims
to understand the fundamental theories of plasma and learn how to model
them numerically. Therefore, this thesis focused on understanding previous
plasma simulation models, developing the numerical model for plasma simulation,
and applying the recently used particle-based method in the Faculty of
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung (FMAE
Hall thruster, one of the electric propulsion types, will be studied and
numerically simulated in this thesis. The main reference of this research is
the previous research work by [Szabo, 2001]. The simulation domain and
numerical models are also taken from Szabo’s works. In his research, Szabo
used a fully kinetic model to simulate all plasma particles (electrons, ions,
and neutrals), and none of them were treated as fluid. The method that is
commonly used to conduct fully kinetic simulation is the Particle-in-Cell (PIC)
method. This thesis will re-simulate the Hall thruster using the model which Szabo proposed. The difference made in this thesis is in solving Poisson’s
equations to obtain electric field (E) by using the particle-based method. The
particle-based Least Squares Moving Particle Semi-implicit (LSMPS) method
will be used to replace the previous grid-based Finite Volume Method (FVM).
LSPMS was introduced first time by [Koshizuka and Tamai, 2014] and has
been used in some numerical simulation researches in FMAE ITB.
The results from this thesis will be used as a reference and base knowledge
to conduct further plasma simulations. It will increase the capability of FMAE
ITB to do research in plasma simulations and be able to innovate in this field.