Collaborative Transportation Management (CTM) is model collaboration in transportation area done through information and resources sharing. CTM aims to reduce the cost of logistics activities, improve service, gain market shares, enhances capacities and provide mutual benefits to all agents by eliminating inefficiencies in the transportation component. CTM involves different agents that interact each other in planning and implementation of CTM. Planning and implementing CTM not only involves optimization decision-making for all collaborative agents, but also influence by different interactions among agents. Due to the fact that many previous researches focus on optimization on CTM, there is a gap to explore the behavior agents involved in CTM.
In this study, behavioral approach used to develop and generate a behavioral multi-agent model to give more realistic comprehension in the supply chain. In principle, a behavioral multi-agent model is developed based on the interactions among agents to account and compensate for the cognitive and social behaviors and biases that may arise in the decision-making process. The cognitive and social behaviors also influence the behaviors among agents to achieve higher CTM benefits. The behavioral aspect for hierarchical decision-making in CTM is also developed in order to deliver services that lead to value co-creation. This study addresses on how interactions among agents influence the relationships and learning processes of value co-creation in CTM in order to achieve a mutual value. This study also provided empirical findings that present evidence on the interactions among agents, on the learning process, and on the value co-creation process in CTM.
The approach used in this study is agent-based model to capture the effects of interaction among collaborative agents, the complex network of interactions, learning processes in CTM, and decision-making structure of CTM among collaborative agents that represent real systems, which leads to co-create a value. The main contribution of this study is providing knowledge on the behavioral aspect that willingness all agents in CTM to share their information through interactions and close relationships, to create services together, and to learn from one another does have a strong impact to co-create a value. In addition, this study also has
contribution on well-defined CTM principles, collaboration, and value co-creation in transportation area as the essential factor for advantageous improvement and to increase competitiveness in the globalization condition.