Public transport system is a part of transportation system in a region and improving the
efficiency of public transport system means not only to improve the quality of but also
economic and environment life in the region. The purpose of this study are to 1) show
important indicators performance for ferry bus and road perception based on user transit
opinion and 2) analyze the relationship and effect with ferry usage in undeveloped area.
Location of this study is in the North Buton Regency and 206 questionnaire respondents
obtained. Analysis of data acquired using SEM PLS with SmartPLS 3.0 software. Based
on the analysis, the main indicators for bus performance are personal security on board,
fare and service provided, goods security on board and cleanness of seat. It also reveals that
bus performance has influence on ferry usage and road perception to bus performance. This
mean that improving service on bus performance will increase number of ferry users and
road improvement will attract users’ transit to preferred bus.