PT. XYZ is a gold mine operating in North Sulawesi Province. PT. XYZ plans to
build an underground mine under one of the currently active mine openings, namely
pit ABC. The main problem that has occurred in pit ABC since mid-2016 is the
presence of groundwater flow with a significant discharge (measured discharge in
September 2020> 900 liters / second), and is hot water with a temperature of more
than 70o C. Hydrogeological conditions are important to know regarding
appropriate alternative treatments to overcome the problem of hot water with large
discharge that comes out of pit ABC. This is a major factor in the consideration of
underground mining. In this study, investigations were carried out by conducting
pumping tests and hydrogeological modeling based on a conceptual model and then
simulated in a numerical model as a planning approach in the underground mine
planning of PT. XYZ.
Based on field observations, study literature, and previous data, it can be concluded
that the hydrogeological media and groundwater flow in the study area are mostly
controlled by the fracture media system and high permeable zones. The results
showed that the groundwater flow to the East and towards the center which is an
open pit area, also found that the local aquifer has parameter values in the form of
storativity, hydraulic conductivity and large transmissivity. In addition, the value
of the water discharge that enters the underground mine is also a number that is not
small even though it has been assisted by a pump. And thus this study aims to model
and perform calculations for the sake of carrying out underground mining under an
open pit mining PT. XYZ.