Terbatas Yanti Sri Rahayu, S.Sos
Terbatas Yanti Sri Rahayu, S.Sos
This paper attempts to determine the suitability
of tilting technology as applied to metro systems, taking
the Tyne and Wear Metro as its base case study. This is
done through designing and implementing of several tests
which show the current metro situation and reveals possible impacts on ride comfort and speed, in case tilting
technology has been implemented. The paper provides
brief background literature review on tilting technology, its
different designs and types, control systems, customer
satisfaction and history on the Tyne and Wear metro system. Ride comfort evaluation methods, testing of the Metro
fleet comfort levels and simulation modelling through the
use of OpenTrack simulator software are also introduced.
Results and findings include test accuracy and validations
and suggest that although tilting technology could be
beneficial with respect to speed (minimal improvements)
and comfort, implementing it to the Tyne and Wear metro
would be an unwise decision owing to the immense amount
of upgrades that would be needed on both the network and
the metro car fleet. Therefore, recommendations are subsequently made on alternative systems which could achieve
or surpass the levels of comfort achievable by tilting
technology without the need for an outright overhaul of
lines and trains.