COVER Andina Setiadiana Putri
Terbatas Alice Diniarti
Terbatas Alice Diniarti
BAB 1 Andina Setiadiana Putri
Terbatas Alice Diniarti
Terbatas Alice Diniarti
BAB 2 Andina Setiadiana Putri
Terbatas Alice Diniarti
Terbatas Alice Diniarti
BAB 3 Andina Setiadiana Putri
Terbatas Alice Diniarti
Terbatas Alice Diniarti
BAB 4 Andina Setiadiana Putri
Terbatas Alice Diniarti
Terbatas Alice Diniarti
BAB 5 Andina Setiadiana Putri
Terbatas Alice Diniarti
Terbatas Alice Diniarti
PUSTAKA Andina Setiadiana Putri
Terbatas Alice Diniarti
Terbatas Alice Diniarti
Millennials or Generation Y is famously known to be a job-hopper generation. In the rising era of millennial, the workforce are being taken over by this generation. Gen Y or millennials are the people who were born in the year of 1981 through 2000. By the year of 2020, millennial generation will dominate the workforce as the older generations (Gen X and Baby Boomers) are on the retiring years. Millennials have changed the culture in the workforce. The purpose of this study is to analyze what factors that may influence this job-hopper generation to perform this tendency. This study used the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) with its three predictors, attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. Later in this study, which three of the predictors that are significant with the pattern of this generation’s job-hopping behavior. In order to understand what may influence millennials to lean on the attitude towards job-hopping intention, this study also analyzed the characteristics of millennials in shaping up their ideal career using the three parameters of Kaleidoscope Career Model (authenticity, balance, and challenge).
The collected data of this study was gathered through an online survey, using questionnaire that was spread out with Google Form. The survey was filled out by 403 respondents, with targeted respondents were eligible millennials who have working experience, who are currently working, who are looking for a job, and entrepreneurs. The targeted respondents are from Indonesia, therefore this study only analyzed the job-hopping intention among millennials in the country. After the data was calculated using SPSS, it is found that not all variables are significant factors that may influence millennials to perform the behavior of job-hopping intention. Using the three KCM parameters, balance is not significant to the dependent variable of attitude towards job-hopping intention. Whilst authenticity and challenge are significat factors to the dependent variable. From the independent variables of TPB predictors, attitude is the only variable that is not significant to the job-hopping intention. Whilst subjective norm and perceived behavioral control are significamt to job-hopping intention.