The importance of entrepreneurship education that positively impacts on the
creation of new ventures has been widely recognized. Despite numerous studies
conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education within a
university setting, the results are mostly fragmented. Most studies are focused on
the unsystematic approach to entrepreneurship education that partially
incorporates curriculum, certain pedagogy, institutional support, and assessment.
This research thus proposes a systematic approach to evaluate the
entrepreneurship education. The evaluation uses a systematic framework as
guidelines for attaining effective learning and understanding priorities of key
stakeholders within a university to develop entrepreneurial graduates. A
systematic framework is a well-organized basic structure of concepts and
practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality, showing a comprehensive
assemblage of principles in entrepreneurship education regarding student, staff,
and institution aspect. This research explores the existing learning practices within
several universities, namely: School of Business and Management (SBM)-
Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Telkom Institute of Management (IM
Telkom), Prasetiya Mulya Business School (PMBS), and Ciputra University
This research uses case study method and has been carried out in two stages. The
first stage is descriptive phase. Here the research will focus on mapping of
existing learning and institutional supports within a university context. Data
exploration regarding learning process within a university such as curriculum,
institutional supports, pedagogy, assessment, and Assurance of Learning (AoL)
will be evaluated from internal perspective such as faculty members and external
perspectives such as alumni in order to get better understanding of learning
experiences that support to become entrepreneurial graduates. The second stage is
evaluative phase, this stage lead to develop theory which effective to supports
students in becoming entrepreneurial graduates.
The four cases of SBM-ITB, IM Telkom, PMBS, and UC are divided into two
categories of cases, namely positive case and negative case. The positive case in
this research is the three cases of SBM-ITB, PMBS, and UC. They are well
managed the aspects that support the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education.
The best learning practices from these three cases are as practical guidelines for
other business schools to create the effective learning. The opportunities areas to
be improved (below the average level) are workload (only SBM-ITB that has high
score in this aspect), rewards for lecturer, and AoL aspect (only PMBS that has
high score in this aspect). The negative case of IM Telkom has the effectiveness
level below the average. There are several opportunities to make a better
improvement in the field entrepreneurship education. The opportunities area to be
improved (below average level) are recruitment and selection of student,
curriculum, institutional support, teaching method, participation, rewards for
student, pay and safety needs, performance appraisal, workload, knowledge
sharing, rewards for lecturer, and AoL aspect.
Beside a systematic framework development of entrepreneurship education, this
research is contributed to the development of criteria for learning effectiveness.
These criteria are used to determine the extent of learning effectiveness from the
four cases. The synthesis from cross-case analysis formulates the effective
learning theory that covering aspects of student, staff, institution, and AoL to
support students in becoming entrepreneurial graduates.