digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

PUBLIC Latifa Noor

n this work, earth abundant CaI2compound hasbeen applied to regulate the thermoelectric performance of SnTe bycodoping in both the anion and cation sites for thefirst time. Thecarrier concentration has been effectively tuned to a reasonablerange due to the electron donor nature of ITe+point defects; on theother hand, the Seebeck coefficient has been significantly enhancedbecause of the resulted valence band convergence and band gapenlargement. More importantly, the phonon and carrier scatteringhave been tailored tactically, and a relatively high power factor witha significantly lowered thermal conductivity have been achievedsimultaneously. In consequence, an enhancedfigure of meritZT?1.2 at 873 K was attained in the SnTe-3% CaI2sample