digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Bandung has identity as fashion capital, this can be potential for city development. The city observed by placemaking metods in data collection. The observation result is design approach for city development in spatial, economic and socio-culture aspects. Based on the result, Bandung needs a fashion hub with spesific criterias like; comunnity based, refering to cuture of local fashion, based on event/fashion programs, acomodate subculture activities in fashion, creating places where the main actors can be interact, embody the consumer pshycological needs, and built in space where fashion activities are transmited. The obsertion result are developed into design approach using disjuction concept. Disjuction is divided into six major concept; defamiliriarization, meditated „metropolitan“ shock, de-structuring, superimposition, crossprogramming, and event as the turning point. The cencepts produce building mass, facade and spatial organization of Bandung Fashion Hub. The result of the design was obtain that architecture can be emancipatory the economic aspect for the fashion industries in Bandung city.