Abstract--- The M7.1 Molucca Sea Earthquake occurred on November 15th , 2014, within the shallow oceanic crust of the Sunda plate. It was in a complex plate boundary of eastern Indonesia which is about 300 km to the west of the major plate boundary structure between the Sunda and Pacific plates. The focal mechanisms of the event indicated as reverse fault. It dipped either steeply towards the northwest or more gently towards the southeast in line with the general trend of earthquakes in the region. In this region, the Sunda and Philippine Sea plates are converging in east-west direction with approximate rate of 109 mm/yr. During the last century, nearly 120 M6+ events have occurred within 250 km radius of the 2014 event. This study analyzed and investigated the 2014 Molucca Sea Earthquake using CGPS (Continuous Global Positioning Systems) data obtained by Geospatial Information Agency (BIG). GPS data processing analyze using GPS Analyze at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (GAMIT) software and Global Kalman Filter (GLOBK) to produce the time series. This study also calculate velocity accumulation and its correlation to the 2014 Molucca Sea Earthquake. We model and estimate earthquake source parameter to understand the earth rupture process. We analyze magnitude and slip direction using three different model, and found that model 1 is the best model (98% fit with data) with maximum slip is 0.28 m at the shallow depth about 21.44 km with the direction of the slip (rake) between 33 degree to 90 degree.