With constraint on resources, geological models usually require to be coarsened for simulation purposes. Through this up-scaling main geological features need to be retained. Importantly fluid saturations and flow in coarse-grid simulation models should mimic a good approximation of geological model displacement behavior. Common practice among simulation engineering community is using GOCAD software to scale-up the geological models.
Investigation of several simulation studies showed that careful analysis of field data including core and/or log measurements supported by mechanistic simulation can result in cost-effective layering schemes as compared to commercial-software influenced models. This study describes a guidance to scale-up the geological model vertically by using of Lorenz approach and mechanistic simulation on selected sector. Continuous core, core-calibrated log data and pseudo wells were utilized to scale-up geological resolution sectors. A complete workflow cycle will be demonstrated with examples from some fields. Comparisons between various layering schemes using GOCAD and the new method will also be verified.