Recent global economic crisis around the globe has pushed many corporation to change the way the do businesses to increase the profit and increase their share value which are declining lately. In the fact of declining market demand, the fastest way to increase profit is by cutting cost, and one of the cost that can be cut is by eliminating the headcount. Eliminating the headcount provides risk of losing the high-potential
employees on competitor’s hijacking or feeling no longer comfortable to stay within the company. That is why it is necessary to find an effective framework in how to retain the high-potential employees to stay put and contribute to their existing company.
XYZ is not immune to this problem and they also doing something. They have implemented a good HR system, but now it is necessary to find a framework where each component of the system can be measured to find which one is the most impactful and which one is most important to be prioritized in the implementation.
Focus of the thesis in finding the impactful framework from the components of HR system in retaining the high-potential employees to stay put within the company and measure each of the component to get level of importance of each one. Having said that, this thesis uses quantitative method in doing the online survey to the group of XYZ’s high potential employees.
The result of the research will provide Likert-scale score from each component and will be analyzed and grouped into several quadrants of importance. There are four quadrants produced from this research which grouped into: Financial, Brand, Opportunity, Purpose, and Culture. After the quadrants and reference scores found, a framework called as The Ladder of High-Potential Retention is produced. This ladder will be useful for both XYZ and other companies to identify which components need to be improved and also define milestone of improvement.
Moving forward, after the ladder is found, a site is programmed to be an assessment tool to measure how attractive is the existing employee retention program
of the company. This system will do a modified survey and provide final score that is compared to the best-practice score from XYZ. This assessment tool is an early model that need improvements. Thus, a future research that will improve the current research is well expected.