PUBLIC Open In Flip Book Vika Anastasya Kovariansi 2010 TA PP NICOLAS ARGO PUTRANTO 1-BAB 1.pdf
PUBLIC Open In Flip Book Vika Anastasya Kovariansi 2010 TA PP NICOLAS ARGO PUTRANTO 1-BAB 2.pdf
PUBLIC Open In Flip Book Vika Anastasya Kovariansi 2010 TA PP NICOLAS ARGO PUTRANTO 1-BAB 3.pdf
PUBLIC Open In Flip Book Vika Anastasya Kovariansi 2010 TA PP NICOLAS ARGO PUTRANTO 1-BAB 4.pdf
PUBLIC Open In Flip Book Vika Anastasya Kovariansi 2010 TA PP NICOLAS ARGO PUTRANTO 1-BAB 5.pdf
PUBLIC Open In Flip Book Vika Anastasya Kovariansi
The objectives of this research are to find out whether Return On Asset (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Debt Ratio, Current Ratio, and Net Profit Margin (NPM) have a significant impact to the property company stock return partially and to find out whether Return On Asset (ROA) Return on Equity (ROE), Debt Ratio, Current Ratio, and Net Profit Margin (NPM) have a significant impact to the property company stock return simultaneously. The research is expected to incur relevant information that will benefit investors who seek for investment opportunities in property stock and the property industry in maintaining their proper stock price.