digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

In these research, the vibration stimulation was applied to 6 core samples of coal which have a range of permeability from 0.240 mD to 58.85 mD, used overburden pressure of 300 psi and the injection rate of 100 psi of nitrogen gas. The results of this research show that the stimulation could increase the coal permeabilities from 7.35% up to about 160% and the most reliable result is 40% (sample L) increment. Furthermore, there is a relationship between amplitude and permeability improvement that indicates an optimum amplitude to maximize the vibration effect, and, this optimum amplitude depends on the original permeability of the core samples. Further in depth investigation using reservoir simulation that correspond to the laboratory study yield an indication that this new vibration method can reduce the dewatering process by about 45.45% (sample A3) from the normal dewatering time and could increase the CBM production up to 1.58 times (sample L).