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2008 TA PP WINIARTI 1.pdf

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Polymer injection is one of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Methods which is an improvisation of water injection. The improvisation is needed to overcome the fingering phenomena that commonly appear in a heterogeneous reservoir. Polymer in aqueous solution form has been used as viscosifying agent of injection water that helps control the mobility of injection fluid (water base) to improve sweep efficiency. It can reduce negative effects of permeability variations and fractures in heterogeneous reservoir.This study consists of laboratory and simulation study. The main purpose of the laboratory study is to find the relationship between relative viscosity of polymer and its shear rate. The relationship is used to determine the polymer viscosity as function of its shear rate that will be used in the simulation. The objective of simulation study is to compare recovery factors of three different reservoir model and show the more stable profile of polymer front injection compared with water front injection profile.