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ABSTRAK Gany Gunawan
PUBLIC Suharsiyah

2012 TA PP GANY GUNAWAN 1.pdf)u
Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Coal Bed Methane production is quite different from conventional reservoir. Initially most coal reservoirs are water saturated, therefore in order to produce methane gas form the reservoirs, water has to be removed. The phenomena by which gas is produced during and after water production is called dewatering process. A proper dewatering method is a key to achieve significant gas production. This study presents the Rotative Gas Lift (RGL) as an alternative method for dewatering coal bed methane wells. A dynamic transient and integrated simulation was conducted in order to determine optimal operational practices for RGL dewatering design, including required gas injection rate and injection time, and stability of gas production which produce earlier gas rate peaks and maximum cumulative production.