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COVER Syafrizal
PUBLIC Resti Andriani

2017 SYAFRIZAL 1-PAPER.pdf6?
PUBLIC Resti Andriani

Rare Earth Elements (REE), which can be found within various deposits, are crucial to the development of modern technology. Based on regional geological maps, it appears that monazite-bearing alluvial debris derived from granitic rocks is very widely distributed. There are potentially sizable alluvial tin deposits on the Indonesian islands of Karimun, Singkep, Bangka, and Belitung. This study aims to record the dispersion potential of REEs found in placer deposits on Belitung Island and to establish an exploration strategy that can be properly developed and managed. Samples were taken from 34 widespread points; these sample were then reduced to 20 representative points along various lithologies of an ancient alluvial fan on Belitung Island. The samples were analyzed for minerals using grain counting and for elements via Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). According to the ICP-MS analysis, the potency of light REEs is more dominantly enriched in placer deposits than in primary deposits on Belitung Island. According to the grain counting analysis, the REEs on Belitung Island are located in the Sijuk Region (Northwest Belitung), the Kalapa Kampit Region, which reaches from the Damar Region to the Upper Gantung Region (Northeast of East Belitung), and the Lower Membalong Region (Southwest Belitung).