digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
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This study will simulate how the surfactant injection affects the flowback in Tight Oil Reservoir with Hydraulic Fracture in it. Hydraulic Fracturing operation has been a key to stimulates the performance of the well with a low permeability characteristics. But, in the other hand, it inject a lot of fracturing fluid, especially water and it potentially making several reservoir problem. Surfactant injection is operated in hope for minimize that problem. The surfactant injection are do with Huff n’ Puff Methods and based on one well. This one well is operates as the producer and the injector. At first, the simulation are held with no injection at all but with the hydraulic fracturing operation. Next, the injection well, which is the producer well it self, will controlled as a Huff n’ Puff well with surfactant injection. Then, the results are in and the production characteristics are being analyzed With this methods, the production of the well are increased and it showed from the oil production in the well after the huff n puff operation. Next, the saturation of oil are also being analyzed with the grid around the perforation of the well. Also, the pressure showing a slower decreased than without surfactant injection. The flowback effect of the hydraulic fracturing are also showed positive results.