digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

CO2 injection is one of the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods that can increase hydrocarbon production. In Indonesia itself, many oil fields show a downward trend in production, so a method is needed to increase the recovery factor. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) is a promising method for increasing hydrocarbon production. One of the EOR method is gas injection. This study will focus on the injection of gas, especially CO2 in the "S" Field. The effectiveness of gas injection is determined by the Minimum Miscibility Pressure (MMP) which defined whether the injection is miscible or immiscible. For fields that are quite mature, it is difficult to reach the MMP. Therefore a co-solvent is used which helps reduce the MMP value. This study will focus on the injection of a CO2-Ethanol mixture into the ā€œSā€ Field using a CMG simulator. Determination of MMP is the first stage for injection scenario development in the ā€œSā€ Field. The sensitivity of the CO2-Ethanol composition was carried out to obtain the optimum MMP value. The optimum MMP result is obtained at a composition of 87% CO2 and 13% Ethanol. A production scenario is developed to determine the performance of the increase in recovery factor generated from 2021 to 2035. There is a base case without an injection scenario with a recovery factor of 50.11%. The base case is developed into two main scenarios, injection with 100% CO2 and injection of 87% CO2 + 13% Ethanol, with a combination of injection wells by activating B-4 well and changing B-1 well into injection wells after reaching the economic limit of 10 STB/day. To increase the oil production, an infill well (B-6) was drilled, which is expected to increase the efficiency of oil sweeping in the reservoir. The simulation results show the performance of increasing the recovery factor by injection of CO2-Ethanol. The performance of CO2-Ethanol injection gives a good result compared to injection of 100% CO2. The recovery factor performance also increases with the addition of infill wells in the injection scenario.