Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
Indonesia was the world's fourth-biggest emitter of GHG in 2015. To anticipate it, Indonesia then pledged to reduce its emissions by 29% independently – 41% using international assistance – by 2030. It was written in its first NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions) submission in 2016. The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) is a pledge to support the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to cut down emissions to achieve the Paris Agreement goals of setting global warming limits 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
This study will be focusing on estimating the storage capacity of Arun Field and carbon tax consideration. Arun Field is widely known as one of the world's giant gas reservoirs, but as the field has matured, reservoir pressure has declined, and well productivities have significantly changed; hence it is chosen as the object of CCS analysis. CMG is used as the software to model the Arun field. The Arun field economy is assessed using Microsoft Excel to determine Indonesia's carbon tax price with a payout time of ten years. Carbon tax analysis from Arun field economic assessment will be supported using the Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) method. Five scenarios have been applied to determine the effect caused by carbon tax compared to other countries. Variables to be observed are GDP Index and emission reduction.
Results show Arun Field can store 313Mton CO2 by 2030. Carbon tax analysis from the Arun field assessment results in carbon tax to be applied in Indonesia is US$16.51/ton. This is also in-line with the CGE method that indicates less than US$20/ton is the best case. Both CCS and carbon tax policy can help Indonesia reducing its emissions to fulfill the Paris Agreement for a better future.