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ABSTRAK Yunita Anggraini
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

Research has been carried out to determine the effect of methylation on the bond structure and thermophysical properties (melting point, enthalpy fusion, thermal conductivity) of Ionic Liquid materials (C16MIMBr, C16MMIMBr, C16MIMCl, dan C16MMIMCl). Methylation is the addition of methyl in the ring 2 of Imidazolium cation C (2) or structural changes from CnMIM to CnMMIM. Chemical structure analysis is obtained from FTIR curves that show in the fingerprint region, methylation produces a new peak at a wavelength of 1042 cm-1 associated with the C-N stretching bond. In the functional group, methylation causes a frequency shift around the wavelength of 3500 cm-1 which is related to the change in vibrational type from C2-H-Br to C2-methyl-Br for Br anion and from C2-H-Cl to C2-methyl-Cl for Cl anion. Melting point and enthalpy fusion are obtained from DSC curve which shows that after methylation the melting point (Tm) value increases and fusion enthalpy (Hm) decreases, this is influenced by the relationship between Tm, Hm, S. Thermal conductivity analysis as a function of temperature variations is obtained by the transient hot-wire method and the results show that thermal conductivity of non-methylation has a decreased curvature against increasing temperature while methylation has increased curvature against increasing temperature. Non-methylation is generally influenced by hydrogen bonds in C (2) position of Imidazolium ring which decays rapidly to increase in temperature whereas after methylation due to the addition of methyl then the viscosity of the material increases and the value of thermal conductivity also increases this is similar to the reported references using C4MMIM material.