digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Abstrak_Latifa Fawzia Hanum
PUBLIC yana mulyana

Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) has the highest incidence and mortality rate amongst other breast cancer types. The severe side effects and resistance of TNBC patients to chemotherapy has decreased prognosis and survival rate. Traditional medicine is a promising approach for alternative therapy. Dayak Onion, Eleutherine bulbosa mill, is commonly used for treating cancer. However, therapeutic use is still limited because of its bioavailability. The encapsulation of plant extracts into nanoparticles has been proven to increase absorption. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSN) are promising carriers due to their high loading capacity, and easy surface manipulation. In this study, MSN was modified with a cationic polymer (PEI) to enhance interaction with cancer cells. Surface modification of MSN with amine (-NH2) group and carboxyl followed by PEI conjugation was conducted. Modified MSN was then loaded with Dayak Onion Bulb fraction (DOF). The particle size, polydispersity index, zeta potential was characterized on each product MSN, MSN-NH2, MSN-COOH, MSN-PEI, MSN-DOF. Surface functionalization was determined using FTIR and TG analysis. UV-visible spectrometry was used to determine the percentage loading capacity and entrapment efficiency. MSN-PEI and MSN-DOF mediated cell cytotoxicity were evaluated using MTT assay on 4T1 cells. The particle size obtained was below 500 nm. The size distribution measured was below 0.5 and the loaded MSN was positively charged. FTIR and TG analysis results indicated successful functionalization and conjugation. The loading capacity and entrapment efficiency were 33.03% ± 0.014 and 65.56% ± 0.026, respectively. After 24 hours, MSN-PEI showed low cytotoxicity on 4T1 cells, however, MSN-DOF showed significant cytotoxicity effects compared to MSN-PEI (independent t-test, P= 0.007).