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Terbatas  Suharsiyah
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In the oil and gas (O&G) industry, improving production efficiency and optimizing hydrocarbon reserves are major challenges, especially as oil reserves decline and global energy demand rises. Several methods to address this issue include creating a potential map and heterogeneity index for a field. This study explores the relationship between two methods: Potential Map and Heterogeneity Index (HI). A Potential Map helps identify areas in a field with high hydrocarbon potential, using data on the reservoir's fluid and rock properties. The Heterogeneity Index measures how well an individual well performs compared to the average across the field. The goal of this research is to find out which type of Potential Map best correlates with the Heterogeneity Index. The methodology includes a review of existing literature, data collection, and data analysis using reservoir simulation software and Microsoft Excel. Three different scenarios are analyzed: base, transformed porosity-permeability, and homogenous. For each scenario, different types of Potential Maps are created (Movable Oil Index, Capacity Flow Index, Oil Volume Index, and Simulation Opportunity Index) and the Heterogeneity Index is calculated for each well. The relationship between the Potential Map and HI (Heterogeneity Index) is then examined to see which map shows the strongest correlation. The study uses a 3D reservoir model with 25 production wells and one injection well. Results show that the MOI Potential Map in Case 3 has the strongest relationship with the H Quadrant, with an R2 value of 0.6249, while the CFI Potential Map in Case 1 has the weakest, with an R2 value of 0.0485. This research helps improve understanding of how well performance and reservoir potential interact, which can lead to better decisions in field development and production optimization.