digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

This study addresses the challenge of declining oil production in well B-1, located in the "Y" Field offshore Java, Indonesia, primarily caused by leakage in the Sliding Sleeve Doors (SSD) and wax deposition. The objective is to analyze the impact of SSD leakage and gas lift installation on well productivity and flow assurance. A comprehensive methodology was used, starting with a literature review to understand the theoretical foundations, followed by data collection from well tests and modeling using a dynamic transient simulator. Sensitivity analysis was conducted on the Productivity Index (PI), leak diameter, and gas injection rate. Key findings indicate that SSD leakage results in significant fluid production through the annulus, initially dominated by gas and subsequently by liquid. The installation of a gas lift significantly increased the production rate from 1500 BOPD to 2200 BOPD. The study reveals that higher PI values and larger leak diameters correlate with increased flow rates and fluid volumes. Additionally, gas lift helps reduce wax formation at the leakage point. The results of this study emphasize the importance of integrating gas lift technology to enhance production efficiency and mitigate issues related to SSD leakage and wax deposition.