During the last twenty years, forest cover loss as well as threats towards Orang Utans habitat in Kalimantan has been increasing. There is a need to examine the influence of forest cover loss towards Orang Utans habitat in Kapuas Hulu District, West Kalimantan Province, due to the lack of information for that. The effects of rivers, roads, and regional development/regional planning on forest and Orang Utans habitat loss were also analyzed with considering the reliability of different input maps. Spatial secondary data were examined by GIS overlay process, Kappa Index of Agreement, correlation and regression analysis, proximity to rivers/roads analysis, the influence of regional development/regional planning to forest and Orang Utans habitat loss. After overlaying 6 different input maps from 3 different years, 6 different results were obtained. Interpretation of Cohen’s Kappa on the 15 combinations of result maps showed very good agreement with kappa index values more than 0.800. Rate of forest loss was 0.24% per year from 1985-1990 and 1.47% from 1990-2000. Annual rate of Orang Utans habitat loss was larger than the rate of forest loss, which is 2.16% from 1989-1999 and 5.59% from 1999-2004. Forest loss has a strong relationship with Orang Utans habitat loss, as shown by the high correlation and acceptance of the alternative hypothesis. Distances to rivers and roads have significant influences on forest loss and habitat loss in that the closer the distance to the rivers or roads, the larger area of forest loss and habitat loss. The causes of logging concession have taken mostly part of forest loss compared to other causes (timber concession, palm plantation, and transmigration areas). According to RTRWP, planned forests between 2000 and 2020 should be increased by 19.88%. Of the land use changes into forest that happened between 1998 and 2002, 97.62% of it has been in these planned forest areas.