digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

ABSTRAK: The industrial challenge now day is to answer how customers can get the product that they want in the right time, on the right place and also with the lowest price. One of solution to that challenge is by forming cooperation among enterprise which is known as supply chain system. Effectiveness and successfulness of supply chain system was determined by the member of the system, that why evaluation and supplier selection process become very important thing to do. In evaluating performance of supplier, there are two measurement that can be used, the departure of the criteria mean from the target and the variability of the criteria. One of research in supplier selection process was doing by Chen (2004) which produces Supplier Capability and Price Analysis Chart (SCPAC). The advantage of Chen model is that the model can be read easily because its not a mathematical model but graphical model and also used accurate data to count the quality index. The weakness of Chen model is that the model cant determine the selected supplier if there is two or more supplier in the same area. This research develop multi criteria selection supplier model with Chen model. Quality, Price and delivery performance criteria was used to measure how far criteria different from the target, while quality consistency criteria was used to measure the variability of the process. Supplier delivery performance was measured by Delivery sharpness index, Cpm, while the quality consistency was measured from slope of the linier regression model (Ik). Supplier selection process was use PROMETHEE method. Because of the decision about selected supplier need to be obtained quickly and also because the supplier is not geographically the same, the proposed model was implemented in web-based Decision Support System prototype. Model validation shows that the proposed model can solve supplier selection problem in many conditions. When two suppliers have the same value, the model can determine the ranking of the suppliers so that the decision maker can make a decision easily. Beside that, the web-based decision support system prototype can produce a selected supplier within one second. So, the decision about selected supplier can be obtained very fast.