digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

This study investigates the optimization of carbonate matrix acidizing for an oil well (Well Z) located in eastern Java, Indonesia. The well requires stimulation to improve productivity.The acidizing process in carbonate formations differs significantly from that in sandstones. In acidizing carbonate reservoirs, a chemical reaction occurs in the rock matrix, increasing the porosity and permeability of the rock by forming wormholes. The research compares two wormhole propagation models (Volumetric and Buijse-Glasbergen) to analyze factors influencing wormhole development during acidizing treatment. The study aims to achieve the following: Determine the maximum injection pressure and rate to avoid formation fracturing; Analyze the influence of various factors on wormhole propagation models.; Design the optimal acidizing treatment; and Evaluate the post-acidizing skin factor and production improvement. The methodology involves a literature review, data acquisition, sensitivity analysis of the wormhole propagation models, determination of carbonate acidizing design, and evaluation of post-acidizing results. Based on the analysis, the acid concentration and temperature affect the wormhole propagation model, skin, and injection rate in both the Volumetric and Buijse-Glasbergen models. The study recommends a two-stage acidizing treatment: Main Acid stage of 28 wt% HCI and Diversion of Benzoic Acid Flakes/Rock Salt. The injection rate in range 0.397 bpm - 1.084 bpm. The analysis predicts a Fold of Increase (FOI) of 2.002, indicating a potential production improvement of 200% after the acidizing treatment. This suggests that the acidizing program was successful in increasing reservoir production.