digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Indonesia is committed to reducing its carbon dioxide emissions, including in the oil and gas industry. A significant source of carbon emissions in this sector is in East Java. Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technology can capture CO2 before it escapes into the atmosphere. However, the high cost of implementing CCUS is a major challenge. Therefore, this study focuses on optimizing strategies to reduce costs, encompassing the entire process from carbon capture to transportation and storage. The optimization process considers variables such as pipeline path, pipe diameter, CO2 capture flow rate, pressure drop, and cost analysis. This study involves four power plants as sources and seven oil and gas companies as sinks in East Java, each with different coordinates and capacities for CO2 capture and storage. Calculations are based on a carbon price tax of $3.12 and sensitivity analysis conducted for three different oil prices. The significant revenue generated is primarily due to high oil prices, which increase the profitability of each barrel of oil produced. The project's total cost is estimated at $689.77 million, with projected total revenue of $1.62 billion and a profit of $931.11 million, resulting in a positive Net Present Value (NPV) of $255.15 million but a negative Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of -5%. This suggests that substantial early-stage investments or high ongoing costs impact the rate of return.