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Dokumen Asli
PUBLIC Dessy Rondang Monaomi

Indonesia has set a target of achieving Net Zero Emission (NZE) by 2060 as part of global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To reach this target, increasing the use of renewable energy sources is crucial. However, many renewable energy sources, such as wind and Photovoltaic (PV) power plants, exhibit high levels of intermittency. This intermittency can negatively impact the frequency stability of the power grid, especially in systems with low inertia. One solution to address this intermittency is the utilization of battery energy storage systems. Additionally, imposing limitations on power generated by high intermittency sources is another potential solution. Through the process of curtailment, the influence of intermittency on frequency stability can be significantly reduced. This study focuses on the case of the North Sulawesi and Gorontalo systems, examining the method of PV curtailment and its utilization as a fast frequency response (FFR) using the Event Triggering Virtual Inertia (ETVI) method. The curtailment process and the utilization of curtailment energy as FFR are supported by data mining and machine learning processes to facilitate calculation and forecasting. In addition to contributing to the operational stability of the system frequency, utilizing PV curtailment as FFR also offers financial benefits. The study also conducts financial calculations to illustrate the potential avoided costs achievable through the implementation of PV curtailment as FFR.