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ABSTRAK Nur Fajar Dwisaputra
PUBLIC Suharsiyah

Terbatas Suharsiyah

A significant proportion of the world’s gas reserves are found in carbonate reservoirs. Meanwhile, carbonate reservoirs can be difficult to develop for a variety of reasons such as tight formation, unconnected pores, etc. Carbonates are typically brittle rocks and that is why many wells in reservoir carbonate are stimulated. Hydraulic fracturing is one of the most common method of well stimulation. Although this method is more complex and harder to execute compared to acid fracturing, hydraulic fracturing has its own advantages as proppant will fills the crack and prevent it to close due to formation closure stress. This study focuses on hydraulic fracturing, specifically observing the sensitivity of several fracture parameters to field “X” performance. Starting off with the reservoir model, built using commercial software. Then, the fracture model is implemented in the model, with different cases, varying in fracture parameters that consist of fracture width, fracture permeability, and fracture half-length. The observed results are certain gas rate time sustained and recovery factor. Based on the analysis, the result on each sensitivity shows that fracture permeability has the most significant impact on well performance. Additionally, it is also proven that hydraulic fracturing may prolong the well longevity.