Currently, Indonesia is ranked 13th as a country with the largest natural reserves in the world and 3rd in the Asia Pacific. Therefore, the potential of natural gas reserves in Indonesia must be utilized as well as possible so that it can produce maximum natural gas production. The need for natural gas in Indonesia also continues to increase, so this will certainly affect domestic gas production which also increases. Domestic requirements will always exist and grow year after year, thus must increase the number of producing wells to meet these demands.
In this study, we will discuss the T field, which currently has 2 wells, T-1 and T-2. The T-2 well is a gas well from a dry gas reservoir that is not yet in production. This well is planned to be produced to meet the demand. This well is produced from one layer, called Z. In July 2022, the plan is that the T-2 well will replace the T-1 well which is forecast to be exhausted in July 2022.
The author will make a forecast of gas production at the T-2 well for the next few years so that it is expected to know the amount of remaining reserves. From this process, starting from the calculation of Initial Gas In Place (IGIP) using a Monte Carlo simulation and then using the MBAL software, the cumulative gas production or Technically Recoverable Resources (TRR) results are obtained at each In place. The additional parameter analyzed is to identify production problems, namely liquid loading by calculating the critical rate so that it can be taken into consideration in calculating the production gas rate.