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ABSTRAK Danan Aldi Riksa
PUBLIC Suharsiyah

Terbatas Suharsiyah

Currently, more than 90% of oil fields in Indonesia use the artificial lift method as one of the primary recovery methods to increase production. One of the most widely used artificial lift methods in the industry is the Electric Submersible Pump (ESP). Over time, the Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) can be in a condition that is not efficient enough to lift oil due to reduced reservoir pressure drops, production problems at the well, and reduced pump productivity. However, several parameters of the Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) can be evaluated to achieve optimum conditions, which are in accordance with the deliverability of the well. Therefore, the diagnosis of decreased production rate and evaluation of the pump need to be carried out periodically to see whether the condition of the well is in optimal condition or not. When the pump condition is no longer in accordance with the deliverability of the well, routine optimization must be carried out. A case study in this study carryout on the Rama Field, in the Java Sea, Northwest of Jakarta by observing well B-05. Several plots of fluid, gas, and oil rate graphs were made to diagnose a decrease in production in the B-05 well. The pumping ability of the well was evaluated and an optimization design was made. In the B-05 well, it will be evaluated by conducting an evaluation by re-determining the IPR of the B-05 well to obtain the optimum rate according to the well's deliverability capability, selecting the size and type of Submersible Pump (ESP) in accordance with the optimum production rate, determining the stage pump according to the type of pump, gas calculation to determine whether a gas separator is needed or not, and motor size selection by determining the required horse power. This effort is made to get the most optimum ESP design. It results in well B-05 experiencing a multiphase flow phenomenon which was indicated by increasing gas rate when the fluid rate decreased. Well B-05 also experienced excessive water production, with a water cut of 89%. In addition, the gas content in the oil produced from the well can cause gas lock-up and reduce pump efficiency. Well B-05, from the calculation of the Wiggins IPR curve, has an optimum production of 1341,775 BFPD using an ESP POWERLIFT pump type Q-08 155 stages with a motor size of 80 HP, 1213 V, and 43 A. From the decreasing fluid rate trend and actual production tests on 31 January 2016, it is known that production is 776 BFPD. Production can still be optimized by evaluating the installed ESP pump. The evaluation results found that the type of pump to get the optimum production of the B-05 well is POWERLIFT type Q-15 185 stages with a motor size of 82.5 HP, 1272 V, and 42.5 A.