digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Geological structures, such as faults, could control the spatial distribution of primary tin deposits because they act as pathways for hydrothermal fluids. This study aims to analyze the spatial lineament model based on digital terrain model (DTM). Data will be extracted using the combination of Segment Tracing Algorithm (STA) and Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS) methods at a primary tin mining site in South Bangka, Indonesia. The lineament extraction process is based on four main stages, namely, hill shading, STA synthetic aperture radar, grouping, and density. The results of the extracted lineament show that the major directions are W–E, NW–SE, and NE–SW. These major directions are fully consistent with the regional structures and the result of previous studies at this site. The lineament densities are then simulated conditionally to produce 100 realizations through SGS method to obtain the probability map of lineament densities, which shows the length, number, and intersection densities that could indicate the potential area for primary tin deposit. Regions with high probability of lineament density are expected to undergo detailed exploration as potential targets. The results of this study are expected to serve as a guide for current exploration activities and for the discovery of other tin deposits.