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ABSTRAK Andreas Ansen Vitalis
PUBLIC Suharsiyah

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Hydraulic fracturing is a well-stimulation technique often used to increase productivity of low and moderate permeability reservoirs. Fracturing is generated hydrautically by injecting reservoir that the rate is too high for the formation to accept without breaking. During injection, the pressure in the wellbore increases to a value called the break-down pressure. Once the formation breaks down, a fracture is formed, and the established fracture is kept open by using proppants. Proppant Scheduling Method by definition is a method of hydraulic fracturing treatment to executes a pump schedule that includes pad fluid volume, and proppant stage concentration. This method is used to optimize the fracture conductivity. Proppant Scheduling initiated by Harrington, et. al. when he published his paper in 1973. Later, in 1983, Crawford made an inovation by creating a simple straightforward method, ā€˛Proppant Scheduling Method,? to establish an efficient proppant schedule. Nowdays, a new automated Pump Scheduling Method, PSG, has become a primary tool to achieve optimum fracture conductivity. But this method become cumbersome when no simulator available because of its nature of numerical solution. This study aimed to create a modified Crawford?s method. This new method perhaps can match the accuracy of PSG method yet simple to generated. Parameters that are used to modify the method are maximum fracture width, average propped width, total proppant mass, volume of treatment fluid required. The modified Crawford?s method is used to determine the optimum hydraulic fracture design in term of hydraulic half-length and fluid injection rate. Simulations are run using KGD geometry model to model fracture propagation in order to obtain fracture conductivity and Fold of Increase (FOI). The optimum hydraulic design then selected based on optimum FOI scenario.