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ABSTRAK Dhena C Eka Priambada
PUBLIC Suharsiyah

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Naturally fractured reservoir characterize with a system contains as matrix blocks where each matrix block surrounded by fractures. Fluid flows from the matrix as a storage media towards the fracture through drainage mechanism. In the dual porosity model, the matrix and the fracture communicate through an exchange term but there is no direct communication between the inter-block matrices. The process of draining fluid from the matrix to the fracture is mathematically described by Warren and Root. One of the key parts of this drainage process in the fractured reservoir is controlled by shape factor. Shape factor is a parameter that represents the characteristics of fractured reservoir which used to control the drainage rate from matrix to fracture. Shape factor is influenced by various factors, including the shape and the size of the matrix, boundary conditions at the matrix / fracture and etc. Many authors for the last two decades have presented the values of shape factors and in general, the results are quite different. Furthermore, there is no author describes the use of a wide range of interests of the various shape factors. This paper will explain the calculation of shape factor for 1D and 2D systems for dual porosity model using single porosity model. This paper presents calculation of shape factor with a single porosity system follows the equation that introduced by Warren & Root which assume a constant flow rate and single phase flow. Shape factor calculation results were compared with other shape factors that already available. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine the selection of various shape factors by different reservoir properties.