digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

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Bottleneck is one of problems that occured at pipeline network in oil field. There are several ways to solve that bottleneck problem, in example increase the pipe diameter or make a pararel pipe section next to bottleneck pipe. Several factors that may caused the bottleneck problem are the frictional force that too big, pipe internal diameter too small compare to fluid debit, and the pipe elevation is too steep etc. Problem that going to be discussed in this paper is how to detect bottleneck problem using presure drop at several segment of pipe in field “M”. This problem has been discussed by the writer’s* previous project that using IPM version 7.5 software. From the software simulation result show that bottleneck doesn’t occured in pipeline network in field “M”, but this result not trusted enough. Therefore, in this paper will be analyzed the pressure changing on each length unit to prove wheter bottleneck occured or not. Several solution also created to solved that bottleneck problem.