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ABSTRAK Vanessa Gabriela Ghozali
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

COVER Vanessa Gabriela Ghozali
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

BAB 1 Vanessa Gabriela Ghozali
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 2 Vanessa Gabriela Ghozali
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 3 Vanessa Gabriela Ghozali
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 4 Vanessa Gabriela Ghozali
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 5 Vanessa Gabriela Ghozali
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

PUSTAKA Vanessa Gabriela Ghozali
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

Cervical cancer is the most common cause of women’s mortality in the world. In treating cervical cancer with radiotherapy, IAEA suggested the combination of EBRT as a primary treatment and HDR Brachytherapy as a dosage boost. However, it is still a major problem to treat patients within the recommended time or 8 weeks. The prolongation of the treatment time can cause an increase of failure by 1% per day. To understand the ability of HDR brachytherapy as a monotherapy, DOSXYZnrc was used to simulate the dose distribution of the source inside a voxelized phantom. The dose distribution data were then used as an input to modeled the DVH as a quality indicator and also to calculate 2 radiobiological metrics: TCP and NTCP as a quantity measure of the treatment plan. EUD is a mathematical model used to calculate the value of TCP and NTCP. The radiobiological parameters were evaluated for 10 fractionations of a total dose of 80 Gy. The simulation results in a high TCP value for the target and low NTCP value for the bladder and rectum. The tumor able to achieve TCP of 99.433% and the OARs, bladder and rectum, achieve NTCP of 0% and 0.041%, respectively. Variation of fractionations were calculated, and it was found that rectum had a higher complication probability than bladder when the treatment was done in 7 fractionations or more. From this research, 6 fractionations can produce a good radiobiological result with TCP of 99.882% for the tumor, and NTCP of 0% and 10.787% for the bladder and rectum. This configuration will also increase the chances to finish the treatment less than 8 weeks.