digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

PUBLIC Erlin Marliana Effendi

Falcon 9 rocket launched simulation based on MATLAB/Simulink with a complete set of coupled dynamic models of the Falcon 9 rocket, incorporating its weight and balance model, propulsion model, aerodynamics model, environmental, control and six degrees of freedom (6-DOF) equation of motion is applied for a rocket launch simulator to simulated the ascent trajectory starting from initial launch point through to insertion point (reaching orbital speed and altitude). Influenced of aerodynamic forces and moments which acting on the rocket during flight through the atmosphere cause must be designed a attitude control system (pitch control) to stabilize the rocket using Thrust Vectoring Control (TVC). A optimal guidance control is also design to combine the attitude control system to guide the rocket reached the planned orbit. Simulation carried out for three cases, the first one is open loop control system which mean that no controlling applied during flight, the second one is closed loop control system that used pitch attitude control to stabilize the rocket, and the last one is combination of closed loop control system with optimal guidance trajectory. The simulation results will be compare and analysis with existed Falcon 9 rocket flight before.