Terbatas Irwan Sofiyan
Terbatas Irwan Sofiyan
tOne of the main objectives of all public administrations is reducing traffic crashes. To this end, RoadSafety Inspections (RSI) stand out as a key measure. Signaling roads is one of the foremost tasks of RSI.A road that is improperly or poorly signaled can lead to incorrect placement or maneuvers of vehiclesand ambiguous situations that can increase the risk of crashes. This paper analyses the relationshipbetween road crashes in two-lane rural highways and certain deficiencies in signaling. The results showthat deficiencies such as “incomplete removal of road works markings” or “no guide sign or in incorrectposition” are the ones associated with a higher probability of crashes in two-lane rural highways. Inview of these results, governmental agencies should verify that the original conditions of a highway arere-established after any construction work is completed. They should also continuously follow up on thesignaling of this type of highway in order to maintain optimal conditions.