Darya field is the largest field in the world that utilizes steamflood as its main recovery method in the world. Steamflood has been utilized in Darya field since 1985. The field has been development sequentially based on area. Each area has its own unique number indicating the sort of its development.
The target study is Area Elf at the northern part of Darya field. The development of this area was started in 2002 and had its first injection in 2004.The peak production was 20000 BOPD that was achieved in 2007. Current heating phase at most of the part of this area is depleted steamflood. However, lower oil recovery factor and many operational problems are still the challenges being faced.
The focus of this this study is to comprehensively evaluate the steamflood performance of a single flow unit reservoir at Area Elf. To make analysis easier, Area Elf was divided into several regions. The lessons learned from evaluation of those regions with their own unique characteristics will lead to complete understanding of the overall performance of steamflood in Area Elf. This will also lead to solid recommendation for future development of Area Elf.
The study will also cover the lookback of some previous infill projects that have been conducted in Area Elf. Past infill projects of Area Elf were considered failure and this study aims to obtain solid understanding and lessons learned from the project.
As the conclusion of this study, the oil recovery factor improvement and operational problems reduction in Area Elf can only be achieved by adding new producer and temperature observation wells.