digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

The basement area within Muara Bulian (MLB) Field, Jambi, Indonesia is predicted to have new hydrocarbon deposits. Some hydrocarbons have been located in fractured zones. Given that basement fracture hosted hydrocarbons do exist, it is important to investigate how seismic data can be processed to assist in delineating these areas. The primary data sets used in this project were wire line logs from two wells that penetrate the basement and a 3D post stack seismic volume. The basement consists of variably fractured metasediments such as phyllite and schist. From the synthetic seismic which generated using wire-line logs data, gas fractured zone can cause a relatively higher seismic amplitude response and because of the low impedance nature of the gas filled zone.An assessment of coherence and most positive curvature attribute was completed. The analysis was intended to establish how effectively these attributes map the faults that are predicted to be associated with fractured zones. An important part of assessing these more structurally oriented attributes was the creation and assessment of dip steering cubes and fault enhancement filters (i.e. median and diffusion filters). It was demonstrated that imaging of structurally oriented attributes was markedly improved where dip steered was applied. That is, structural attributes generate a clearer and sharper image with dip steering than where dip steering has not been applied. Fault enhancement filter application appeared to reduce both random noise and noise related to the acquisition footprint in resulting images. In summary, the use of a steering cube and fault enhancement filters can improve the imaging of structurally oriented attributes such as coherence and most positive curvature.