digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Raskin program (Program Penyaluran Beras untuk Keluarga Miskin) is a program of the government. It is in an effort to reduce the weight or burden of the expense of poorhouseholds as an act of support in increasing the food durability by giving social protection topoor households through the distribution of under prize rice with the maximal amount of 15kg/ poor households/ month each by the price of Rp 1.000,00 per kg net in the point of distribution. This program includes the entire province, while the responsibility of distributing the rice from the warehouse to the point of distribution in the kelurahan is handled by PerumBULOG. This study case final assignment tries to observe the implementation of RaskinProgram in the DKI Jakarta province, focusing on the Kabupaten Administratif KepulauanSeribu. Kabupaten Administratif Kepulauan Seribu is an area within the Jakarta Province where its area reaches 11, 8 km2. It consisted of islands of reefs that reach the number of 105 inquantity with the total area of the land as 8, 7 km2, and the actual number of islands reachesalmost 342 islands. The number of islands that has populations is only eleven islands, wherethe total population reaches 20.000 people. It is divided into two Kecamatan, which consistsof the Kepulauan Seribu Selatan and Kepulauan Seribu Utara, and has four Kelurahan orvillages. This area has different landscape compared to other areas in the DKI Jakarta province, which Raskin program is handled by the Perum BULOG Divre DKI Jakarta. The other areas in DKI Jakarta province mostly lays in the mainland of Java Island while the Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu is located in small Islands which is scattered in the Jakarta bay). The unique location of the Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu leads to a different approach in the way of distributing the Raskin rice compared to other areas in the DKI Jakarta province. The climate condition, the availability of boats/ small ships, and the scattered populations are among the factors that should be considered for the success of the Raskin program distributions in the KabupatenAdministratif Kepulauan Seribu. Those factors might become problems that should be overcome by both the Perum BULOG Divre DKI Jakarta and the local government as well. In order to bring more success in the Raskin program for Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu, several points are suggested for the parties and organizations involved especially local governments and Perum BULOG Divre DKI Jakarta. Those suggestions include the providing of ships/ boats that is ready to use for transporting Raskin rice with normal cost without considering the climate conditions, and if possible its important to give attention for activities in the process of removing bags from ships to harbors by providing tools (for example are small cranes and warehouse). By the availability of those suggested matters its expected that the Raskin program will be implemented with more success, especially in the distribution activities. In addition it can be noted that this study case final assignment would stress on the problems that are faced by Perum BULOG Divre DKI Jakarta and how it is handled, with its considerations as well. Problem solving that is mentioned in this study case is based on the real actions or suggestions done in 2006, and added with the theoretical points of view.